Results for 'Charles H. Seccombe'

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  1. Elements of Christian belief..Charles H. Seccombe - 1903 - [n. p.,:
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    Cancer progression as a sequence of atavistic reversions.Charles H. Lineweaver, Kimberly J. Bussey, Anneke C. Blackburn & Paul C. W. Davies - 2021 - Bioessays 43 (7):2000305.
    It has long been recognized that cancer onset and progression represent a type of reversion to an ancestral quasi‐unicellular phenotype. This general concept has been refined into the atavistic model of cancer that attempts to provide a quantitative analysis and testable predictions based on genomic data. Over the past decade, support for the multicellular‐to‐unicellular reversion predicted by the atavism model has come from phylostratigraphy. Here, we propose that cancer onset and progression involve more than a one‐off multicellular‐to‐unicellular reversion, and are (...)
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    Good Barrels Yield Healthy Apples: Organizational Ethics as a Mechanism for Mitigating Work-Related Stress and Promoting Employee Well-Being.Charles H. Schwepker, Sean R. Valentine, Robert A. Giacalone & Mark Promislo - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (1):143-159.
    Little is known about how ethical organizational contexts influence employees’ perceived stress levels and well-being. This study used two theoretical lenses, ethical impact theory (Promislo et al. in Handbook of Unethical Work Behavior, M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, 2013) and ethical decision-making theory (Schwartz in J Bus Ethics 139(4): 755–776, 2016), to investigate the relationships among perceived organizational ethics (comprised of ethical climate, leader/manager ethics, and corporate social responsibility), work-related stress, and employee well-being (comprised of vitality, life satisfaction, personal growth initiative, flourishing, (...)
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    Contaminated Heart: Does Air Pollution Harm Business Ethics? Evidence from Earnings Manipulation.Charles H. Cho, Zhongwei Huang, Siyi Liu & Daoguang Yang - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (1):151-172.
    We investigate whether air pollution harms business ethics from the perspective of earnings manipulation, which exerts a real effect on the economy and social welfare. Using a large sample and a comprehensive air quality index in China, we find that firms located in cities with more severe air pollution exhibit higher levels of discretionary accruals and are more likely to restate their financial statements, consistent with exposure to air pollution leading to more earnings manipulation. We further provide causal evidence using (...)
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  5. Challenges for ‘Community’ in Science and Values: Cases from Robotics Research.Charles H. Pence & Daniel J. Hicks - 2023 - Humana.Mente Journal of Philosophical Studies 16 (44):1-32.
    Philosophers of science often make reference — whether tacitly or explicitly — to the notion of a scientific community. Sometimes, such references are useful to make our object of analysis tractable in the philosophy of science. For others, tracking or understanding particular features of the development of science proves to be tied to notions of a scientific community either as a target of theoretical or social intervention. We argue that the structure of contemporary scientific research poses two unappreciated, or at (...)
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  6. The subject of liberation: Žižek, politics, psychoanalysis.Charles H. Wells - 2014 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The book shares Žižek's central problem of how to revitalize the radical political left through theory. It initially follows the argument developed in The Ticklish Subject that contemporary leftist thought is divided by antagonism between a Marxist revolutionary politics founded on Enlightenment philosophy and a politics of identity founded on post-modern post-structuralism. How Žižek used Lacan's theory of character structures is examined here to describe this theoretical deadlock and explain how the dominant contemporary ideologies of liberal tolerant multiculturalism and reactionary (...)
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    Plato on the Good.Charles H. Kahn - 2004 - In Matthias Lutz-Bachmann & Jan Szaif (eds.), Was Ist Das Für den Menschen Gute? / What is Good for a Human Being?: Menschliche Natur Und Güterlehre / Human Nature and Values. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 1-17.
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  8. Anaximander and the Origins of Greek Cosmology.Charles H. Kahn - 1962 - Science and Society 26 (1):120-122.
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    The Causal Structure of Natural Selection.Charles H. Pence - 2021 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Recent arguments concerning the nature of causation in evolutionary theory, now often known as the debate between the 'causalist' and 'statisticalist' positions, have involved answers to a variety of independent questions – definitions of key evolutionary concepts like natural selection, fitness, and genetic drift; causation in multi-level systems; or the nature of evolutionary explanations, among others. This Element offers a way to disentangle one set of these questions surrounding the causal structure of natural selection. Doing so allows us to clearly (...)
  10. The medieval interpretation of Aristotle.Charles H. Lohr - 1982 - In Norman Kretzmann, Anthony Kenny & Jan Pinborg (eds.), Cambridge History of Later Medieval Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 80--98.
  11. Why Existence does not Emerge as a Distinct Concept in Greek Philosophy.Charles H. Kahn - 1976 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 58 (4):323.
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  12. Metaphysics.Charles H. Lohr - 1988 - In C. B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler & Jill Kraye (eds.), The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 537--638.
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  13. Anaximander and the origins of Greek cosmology.Charles H. Kahn - 1960 - Indianapolis: Hackett.
    Through criticism and analysis of ancient traditions, Kahn reconstructs the pattern of Anaximander’s thought using historical methods akin to the reconstructive techniques of comparative linguists.
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  14. How to Do Digital Philosophy of Science.Charles H. Pence & Grant Ramsey - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (5):930-941.
    Philosophy of science is expanding via the introduction of new digital data and tools for their analysis. The data comprise digitized published books and journal articles, as well as heretofore unpublished material such as images, archival text, notebooks, meeting notes, and programs. The growth in available data is matched by the extensive development of automated analysis tools. The variety of data sources and tools can be overwhelming. In this article, we survey the state of digital work in the philosophy of (...)
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    The Rise of Chance in Evolutionary Theory: A Pompous Parade of Arithmetic.Charles H. Pence - 2021 - London: Academic Press.
    The Rise of Chance in Evolutionary Theory: A Pompous Parade of Arithmetic explores a pivotal conceptual moment in the history of evolutionary theory: the development of its extensive reliance on a wide array of concepts of chance. It tells the history of a methodological and conceptual development that reshaped our approach to natural selection over a century, ranging from Darwin’s earliest notebooks in the 1830s to the early years of the Modern Synthesis in the 1930s. Far from being a “pompous (...)
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  16. Essays on being.Charles H. Kahn - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This volume presents a series of essays published by Charles Kahn over a period of forty years, in which he seeks to explicate the ancient Greek concept of ...
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  17. Being Religious, American Style: History of Popular Religiosity in the United States.Charles H. Lippy - 1994
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  18. The Apocalypse: A Reading of the Revelation of St. John.Charles H. Talbert - 1994
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    Biography as a two-edged sword: Patrick Armstrong: Alfred Russel Wallace. London: Reaktion Books, 2019, 208 pp, US$19.00 PB.Charles H. Smith - 2020 - Metascience 29 (3):417-419.
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  20. The Beautiful and the Genuine.''.Charles H. Kahn - 1985 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 3:261-87.
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    Język i ontologia w "Kratylosie".Charles H. Kahn - 2001 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 14:43-58.
    What is new in Ch. H. Kahn reinterpretation of Plato's "Cratylus" is the way he considers its main problem: the question of correctness of names. In traditional approach there are two opposite theses: 1) names are conventional; 2) names are regarded as natural. Kahn, however, maintains that Plato is in fact concerned with a quite different pair of questions. The first one is the sign relation of the language and its role in the communication. The other is the sense and (...)
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  22. Testing and discovery: Responding to challenges to digital philosophy of science.Charles H. Pence - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (2-3):238-253.
    -/- For all that digital methods—including network visualization, text analysis, and others—have begun to show extensive promise in philosophical contexts, a tension remains between two uses of those tools that have often been taken to be incompatible, or at least to engage in a kind of trade-off: the discovery of new hypotheses and the testing of already-formulated positions. This paper presents this basic distinction, then explores ways to resolve this tension with the help of two interdisciplinary case studies, taken from (...)
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  23. A New Foundation for the Propensity Interpretation of Fitness.Charles H. Pence & Grant Ramsey - 2013 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 64 (4):851-881.
    The propensity interpretation of fitness (PIF) is commonly taken to be subject to a set of simple counterexamples. We argue that three of the most important of these are not counterexamples to the PIF itself, but only to the traditional mathematical model of this propensity: fitness as expected number of offspring. They fail to demonstrate that a new mathematical model of the PIF could not succeed where this older model fails. We then propose a new formalization of the PIF that (...)
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  24. The Thesis of Parmenides.Charles H. Kahn - 1969 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (4):700 - 724.
    The poem of Parmenides is the earliest philosophic text which is preserved with sufficient completeness and continuity to permit us to follow a sustained line of argument. It is surely one of the most interesting arguments in the history of philosophy, and we are lucky to have this early text, perhaps a whole century older than the first dialogues of Plato. But the price we must pay for our good fortune is to face up to a vipers' nest of problems, (...)
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  25. Religion and natural philosophy in empedocles' doctrine of the soul.Charles H. Kahn - 1960 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 42 (1):3-35.
  26. Is Genetic Drift a Force?Charles H. Pence - manuscript
    One hotly debated philosophical question in the analysis of evolutionary theory concerns whether or not evolution and the various factors which constitute it may profitably be considered as analogous to “forces” in the traditional, Newtonian sense. Several compelling arguments assert that the force picture is incoherent, due to the peculiar nature of genetic drift. I consider two of those arguments here – that drift lacks a predictable direction, and that drift is constitutive of evolutionary systems – and show that they (...)
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  27. Whatever Happened to Reversion?Charles H. Pence - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 92 (C):97-108.
    The idea of ‘reversion’ or ‘atavism’ has a peculiar history. For many authors in the latenineteenth and early-twentieth centuries – including Darwin, Galton, Pearson, Weismann, and Spencer, among others – reversion was one of the central phenomena which a theory of heredity ought to explain. By only a few decades later, however, Fisher and others could look back upon reversion as a historical curiosity, a non-problem, or even an impediment to clear theorizing. I explore various reasons that reversion might have (...)
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  28. Sensation and Consciousness in Aristotle’s Psychology.Charles H. Kahn - 1966 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 48 (1-3):43-81.
  29. Mapping Controversy: A Cartography of Taxonomy and Biodiversity for the Philosophy of Biology.Charles H. Pence & Stijn Conix - manuscript
    One potentially extremely fruitful use of the tools of corpus analysis in the philosophy of science is to help us understand disputed terrains within the sciences that we study. For philosophers of biology, for instance, few controversies are as heated as those over the concepts we use in taxonomy to classify the living world, with the definition of ‘species’ perhaps most fundamental among them. As many understandings of biodiversity, in turn, involve counting the number of species present in a given (...)
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  30. Putting Ambiguity to Work: Biodiversity and Rules of Engagement for Vagueness in Science.Charles H. Pence - 2024 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 11 (1):5-15.
    ‘Biodiversity’ is widely recognized as an extremely ambiguous concept in conservation science and ecology. It is defined in a number of different and incompatible ways in the scientific literature, and is also “exported” beyond the scientific community, where it may take on a host of other meanings for governments, policy-makers, non-governmental organizations, and the general public at large. One might respond to this ambiguity by either pushing for its clarification, and by extension the adoption of a single, univocal biodiversity concept, (...)
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  31. Drama and dialectic in Plato's Gorgias.Charles H. Kahn - 1983 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 1:75-121.
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    Comments on Professor Kreisel’s Paper.Charles H. Manekin - 2012 - In Raphael Jospe & Dov Schwartz (eds.), Jewish philosophy: perspectives and retrospectives. Boston: Academic Studies Press.
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    Maimonides on Divine Knowledge—Moses of Narbonne’s Averroist Reading.Charles H. Manekin - 2002 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 76 (1):51-74.
    In various writings Maimonides claims that God’s knowledge encompasses sublunar things, including human affairs, that we are incapable of understanding the nature of this knowledge, and that the term “knowing” is equivocal when said of God and of humans. In the fourteenth century these claims were given widely divergent interpretations. According to Levi ben Gershom (Gersonides, 1288–1344), Maimonides was compelled by religious considerations to maintain that God knows sublunar particulars in all their particularity, and to adopt a position that was (...)
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  34. Is Organismic Fitness at the Basis of Evolutionary Theory?Charles H. Pence & Grant Ramsey - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):1081-1091.
    Fitness is a central theoretical concept in evolutionary theory. Despite its importance, much debate has occurred over how to conceptualize and formalize fitness. One point of debate concerns the roles of organismic and trait fitness. In a recent addition to this debate, Elliott Sober argues that trait fitness is the central fitness concept, and that organismic fitness is of little value. In this paper, by contrast, we argue that it is organismic fitness that lies at the bases of both the (...)
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    Complexity and the Arrow of Time.Charles H. Lineweaver, Paul C. W. Davies & Michael Ruse (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    There is a widespread assumption that the universe in general, and life in particular, is 'getting more complex with time'. This book brings together a wide range of experts in science, philosophy and theology and unveils their joint effort in exploring this idea. They confront essential problems behind the theory of complexity and the role of life within it: what is complexity? When does it increase, and why? Is the universe evolving towards states of ever greater complexity and diversity? If (...)
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  36. Problems in the Argument of Plato's Crito.Charles H. Kahn - 1989 - Apeiron 22 (4):29.
    The crito takes no stand on the question of whether violating the law is ever morally justified, despite modern attempts to derive a civil disobedience doctrine from it. The argument is largely ad hoc and ad hominem and resistant to generalization as political theory. The central claim is that socrates' escape would be unjust because escape would be an act whose maxim is incompatible with the principle of effective legality. A new construal of the crito's argument is offered and several (...)
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  37. The Greek Verb 'To Be' and the Concept of Being.Charles H. Kahn - 1966 - Foundations of Language 2 (3):245-265.
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  38. Divine Direction or Chaos?Charles H. Lee - 1952
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  39. (1 other version)The Art and Thought of Heraclitus.Charles H. Kahn - 1982 - Mind 91 (361):121-124.
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    Plato and the Post-Socratic Dialogue: The Return to the Philosophy of Nature.Charles H. Kahn - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Plato's late dialogues have often been neglected because they lack the literary charm of his earlier masterpieces. Charles Kahn proposes a unified view of these diverse and difficult works, from the Parmenides and Theaetetus to the Sophist and Timaeus, showing how they gradually develop the framework for Plato's late metaphysics and cosmology. The Parmenides, with its attack on the theory of Forms and its baffling series of antinomies, has generally been treated apart from the rest of Plato's late work. (...)
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    Pain and Emotion.Charles H. Whitley - 1971 - Philosophical Review 80 (3):388.
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    What undermines solidarity? Four approaches and their implications for contemporary political theory.Charles H. T. Lesch - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (5):601-615.
    Solidarity is crucial for realizing justice, securing public goods, and reducing domination. Yet there have been few theoretical studies of its threats and vulnerabilities. In this paper I fill this lacuna, outlining four approaches to what undermines solidarity and considering their implications for contemporary political theory. I begin by reviewing the empirical literature on solidarity, noting that its focus on diversity and individuation has yielded inconclusive results. I then develop four alternative threats to solidarity by drawing from the history of (...)
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    The Ancient Philosophical Legacy and its Transmission to the Middle Ages.Charles H. Lohr - 2003 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia & Timothy B. Noone (eds.), A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 15–22.
    This chapter contains sections titled: A first stage: the twelfth and early thirteenth centuries A second stage: the late thirteenth and fourteenth centuries A third stage: the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
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    Are numbers properties of objects?Charles H. Lambros - 1976 - Philosophical Studies 29 (6):381 - 389.
    Part of Frege's concern about whether number words are properties of objects was that if they could be construed as such it would lend support to the view that truths of arithmetic were empirical truths. Such concern is ill-founded. Even if number words do apply to objects as predicates, this does not entail that numerical truths would be empirical, any more than the fact that ‘bachelor’ and ‘unmarried’ are predicates of objects entails that their relationship is an empirical one. The (...)
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  45. John the Baptist.Charles H. H. Scobie - 1964
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    Aristotelica Helvetica: catalogus codicum latinorum in bibliothecis Confederationis Helveticae asservatorum quibus versiones expositionesque operum Aristotelis continentur.Charles H. Lohr - 1994 - Freiburg, Schweiz: Walter de Gruyter.
    Note: Liste des Codices conservés à la Bibliothèque cantonale et au Couvent des Cordeliers de Fribourg, p. 203-220.
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  47. Some Philosophical Uses of "To Be" in Plato.Charles H. Kahn - 1981 - Phronesis 26 (2):105 - 134.
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    A stronger definition of a recursively infinite set.Charles H. Applebaum - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (3):411-412.
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    Some aspects of the assertoric syllogism in medieval hebrew logic.Charles H. Manekin - 1996 - History and Philosophy of Logic 17 (1-2):49-71.
    This paper introduces the reader to the medieval Hebrew tradition of logic by considering its treatment of Aristotelian syllogistic. Starting in the thirteenth century European Jews translated Arabic and Latin texts into Hebrew and produced commentaries and original compendia.Because they stood culturally and geographically at the cross-roads of two great traditions they were influenced by both.This is clearly seen in the development of syllogistic theory, where the Latin tradition ultimately replaces, though never entirely, its Arabic counterpart.Specific attention is devoted to (...)
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    Latin Aristotle commentaries.Charles H. Lohr - 1900 - Firenze: L.S. Olschki.
    Multi-volume work with 4 of the 5 volumes published. -/- -- 1. Medieval Authors (in two books) -- 2. Renaissance authors -- 3. Index initorum-index finium -- 5. Bibliography of secondary literature.
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